We aim to capture the complexity of the system, embrace the inherent uncertainty of the future and question current unsustainable trajectories, while emphasizing the vastness of future option space. The visions are analyzed using the concept of imaginaries, demonstrating that futuristic stories can be traced back to current realities and the scientific evidence they were based upon. We argue that engaging with alternative futures can open up transformative spaces to rethink the relationships between humans and the high seas, from which novel imaginaries can emerge.
The visions could help to open people’s minds, guide them to think ‘outside of the box’, allow people to relate to the high seas on an emotional level, increase empathy, serve as opportunities to reflect on the developments presented in the stories, as well as their (un)desirability, serve as artistic means of science communication, raise awareness, engage diverse audiences.
The scenarios were made in: 2022
The scenarios look out to: ~ 2100