Interested in a specific type of scenario? We’ve collaborated with research partners to present a couple of theme pages, compiling case studies from the database and suggesting a few additional resources for each area of interest. Please update.
Thematic Collaborations

African futures
Within the next 30 years 40 percent of the world’s population is projected to be African - a good future for Africa means a good future for the world.

Our next meal
Food ties together nature, culture and health. How can we build sustainable, healthy and delicious food systems for the future?

Local Knowledge
Indigenous knowledge is essential for efforts to understand, manage, and connect with nature. In what ways can it guide our scenario practice?

Moving mountains?
Mountains are unique social-ecological systems and provide vital ecosystem services. How can these systems maintain their functions in a changing world?

Valuing Nature
People value nature in a variety of ways. The Nature Futures Framework can help navigate the diversity.

Ocean Futures
Oceans make up more than 70% of the Earth's surface and contain 80% of its life. Although it may feel far away from land, the ocean's future is foundational for the future of the biosphere.

Future Cities
A growing majority of the world's population lives in cities. How can we imagine livable, just, and resilient conditions for human environments?