“The Convention on Biological Diversity does not define the terms indigenous and local communities or Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples does not adopt or recommend a universal definition for Indigenous Peoples (Decision CBD/COP/DEC/14/13). As used in the global assessment, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) is a term used internationally by representatives, organizations, and conventions to refer to individuals and communities who are, on the one hand, self-identified as indigenous and, on the other hand, are members of local communities that maintain inter-generational connection to place and nature through livelihood, cultural identity and worldviews, institutions and ecological knowledge. The term is not intended to ignore differences and diversity within and among Indigenous Peoples and between them and local communities; Indigenous Peoples have recognized and distinct rights, which are not extendable to the broader and encompassing concept of local communities.” From Glossary of IPBES Global Assessment – also chapter 1 (Section See also: https://ipbes.net/glossary-tag/indigenous-peoples-and-local-communities

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