Participatory scenario planning to envision the future of Mediterranean cultural landscapes

Mediterranean cultural landscapes are currently undergoing intense transformations, resulting in a polarization of land uses across an intensification-abandonment continuum. The study focuses on a particular multifunctional Mediterranean landscape composed of different land uses (i.e., dehesa landscape, olive groves, pine forests, Mediterranean forests).

The aim of the scenario analysis combined with a Social Multicriteria Evaluation is to assess, through a participatory process, likely future scenarios under different drivers of land-use change, analysing how such changes would affect people living or making use of key ecosystem services, such as agriculture and livestock production, soil conservation, pollination, provision of habitats, traditional ecological knowledge.

The scenarios were made in: 2014

The scenarios look out to: 2030

Submitted by:

Federica Ravera, José A. González, Rodrigo Martínez-Sastre
Project Leader
January 7, 2020

How to cite this page:

Federica Ravera, José A. González, Rodrigo Martínez-Sastre
Participatory scenario planning to envision the future of Mediterranean cultural landscapes

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Local artist Sierra Morena
Martinez-Sastre et al.
Local artist Sierra Morena
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