Visioning Climate Justice in Northern Manhattan

The community of Northern Manhattan came together in 2017 to develop longer-term future visions to build resilience to the impacts of climate change in an equitable and just way.

Project facts

United States
New York, Northern Manhattan

WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) partnered to build on WE ACT’s work on the Northern Manhattan Climate Action Plan, tackling specific themes including extreme heat, flooding, housing affordability, and emergency preparedness. With WE ACT’s vision as a starting point, over fifty community members, researchers, and city representatives developed four scenarios for a future Northern Manhattan that is more just, equitable, resilient, and sustainable by 2080. Synthetic outputs included future land use modeling, renderings, narratives, and qualitative resilience assessment.

Expected impact: for the community to develop longer-term future visions to build resilience to the impacts of climate change in an equitable and just way, building on recent work on the Northern Manhattan Climate Action Plan.

The scenarios were made in: 2017

The scenarios look out to: 2080

Submitted by:

Charlyn Green
Project Leader
December 7, 2020

How to cite this page:

Charlyn Green
Visioning Climate Justice in Northern Manhattan

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WE Act for Environmental Justice
WE Act for Environmental Justice
WE Act for Environmental Justice
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