Prospects of scenario planning for Kenya’s protected ecosystems: An example of Mount Marsabit

We developed scenario narratives to illuminate how divergent futures may unfold and what opportunities exist to improve future management of Mount Marsabit forest protected area in northern Kenya.

We compared local participants’ perspectives on change with predetermined global scenarios from the literature.

The study results helped identify governance mechanisms and management options that respond to future challenges while understanding the complexity of socioecological systems.

The scenarios were made in: 2017

The scenarios look out to: 2070

Submitted by:

Caroline Achieng Ouko
Project leader
October 27, 2022

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Caroline Achieng Ouko
Prospects of scenario planning for Kenya’s protected ecosystems: An example of Mount Marsabit

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Prospects of scenario planning for Kenya's protected ecosystems: An example of Mount Marsabit
The Authors
Caroline Ouko
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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