Exploring youth’s nature values through desirable futures for Stockholm’s Royal National City Park

This case details a participatory workshop that used the Nature Futures Framework to investigate what youth participants value about nature in Stockholm’s Royal National City Park, and what they desire for the park’s future.

Artistic representation of headlines representing the scenarios.

Project facts

This project aimed to involve youth in envisioning a sustainable future for the Royal National City Park in Stockholm. The team led a participatory workshop, applying the Nature Futures Framework and the 3 Horizons framework to capture diverse nature relationships and desirable future visions. The study identifies key aspects of the park that are valued by the youth participants, including biodiversity and recreation opportunities. Participants envisioned futures with reduced pollution, increased biodiversity, and better accessibility.

Insights from the study were shared with park stakeholders to inform decision-making. The study also contributed to a global perspective on desirable nature futures and underscored the importance of involving youth in environmental discussions, inspiring actions toward a more harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.

The scenarios were made in: 2023

The scenarios look out to: 2050

Submitted by:

Hannah Thiel
Project Leader
October 5, 2023

How to cite this page:

Hannah Thiel
Exploring youth’s nature values through desirable futures for Stockholm’s Royal National City Park

Project images

Hanna Tebrand
Hannah Thiel
Hannah Thiel
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