Non-timber forest products in Benin: tracing impacts of future changes in Climate and Land Use

The objective of this study was to increase the understanding of current and future benefits derived from savanna species, to help policy-makers design adaptive management strategies.

Project facts

Atakora, Alibori, Donga, Borgou

We studied several non-timber forest products (NTFPs) that are important to local communities and, increasingly, internationally relevant. These NTFPs were from the shea tree, the locust bean trea, and the baobab tree. We combined household economic data on NTFPs with ecological niche models based on future climate and land use. The goal was to predict impacts of climate and land use change on rural communities in West Africa, and help with the design of adaptive management strategies.

The study is regularly cited in the literature.

The scenarios were made in: 2012

The scenarios look out to: 2050

Submitted by:

Marco Schmidt
Project Leader
November 21, 2022

How to cite this page:

Marco Schmidt
Non-timber forest products in Benin: tracing impacts of future changes in Climate and Land Use

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Marco Schmidt
Marco Schmidt
Marco Schmidt
Marco Schmidt
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