Envisioning Future Urban Resilience to Climate Change in the Greater Miami Area

The Miami area, highly threatened by sea-level rise, co-created resilient future scenarios to address hazards like compound flooding and extreme heat while developing greater sustainability, prosperity, and connection.

Project facts

United States

The Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) co-developed five alternative future scenarios for the greater Miami area toward a more equitable, accessible, and resilient region in the face of climate extremes in 2080. Approximately 40 stakeholders from across the Miami area, including representatives of local governments and organizations, worked with researchers and academics to identify overarching goals, strategies, and mechanisms to achieve the co-created visions. Synthetic outputs included future land use modeling, renderings, narratives, and qualitative resilience assessment, and the visions developed are being integrated into the “Miami Forever Climate Ready” strategy and the Miami-Dade County “Sea Level Rise” strategy.

Findings are being incorporated directly in public policy documents, the “Miami Forever Climate Ready” strategy and the Miami-Dade County “Sea Level Rise” strategy.

The scenarios were made in: 2019

The scenarios look out to: 2080

Submitted by:

Charlyn Green
Project Leader
December 7, 2020

How to cite this page:

Charlyn Green
Envisioning Future Urban Resilience to Climate Change in the Greater Miami Area

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