Participatory Scenario Planning in the Doñana Protected Area

This work developped a series of participatory scenarios to assess potential pathways of the future evolution of the Doñana protected area and its associated social-ecological system (Spain). Within each scenario, ecosystem services and various dimensions of human well-being were assessed. A backasting approach was also implemented to identify suitable management strategies to reach a desirable future.

The main goals of the project were:
-Evaluate future pathways for the Doñana protected area under the uncertainty of global environmental change.
-Co-construct a desired a sustainable scenario.
-Identify management strategies to achieve a desired future.

Expected impact to build consensus among the different stakeholders and contribute to the Doñana protected area management plan.

The scenarios were made in: 2009

The scenarios look out to: 2035

Submitted by:

Ignacio Palomo
Project Leader
February 17, 2020

How to cite this page:

Ignacio Palomo
Participatory Scenario Planning in the Doñana Protected Area

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Antonio Ojea
Antonio Ojea
Antonio Ojea
Antonio Ojea
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