Participatory scenarios development in semi-arid northern Nicaragua

This participatory scenario planning case study contributes to the empirical understanding of key factors that influence vulnerability and learning of local strategies to adapt to change in semi-arid agro-pastoral systems in Central America.

Project facts

Miraflor-Moropotente protected area, Department of Estelí

The main aim was to develop jointly with local stakeholders a complex understanding about drivers of change and impacts on vulnerability of local livelihoods. The scenario analysis was also aimed to stimulate a learning process, highlighting areas of conflict. The second workshop (backcasting) had a negotiation/conflict management objective.

The scenarios were made in: 2008

The scenarios look out to: 2030

Submitted by:

Federica Ravera
Project Leader
January 7, 2020

How to cite this page:

Federica Ravera
Participatory scenarios development in semi-arid northern Nicaragua

Project images

David Tarrasón
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