Urban futures
The majority of the world’s population now lives in cities and the trend towards increasing urbanization is projected to continue, particularly in countries of the global South. Cities present formidable challenges. On the one hand, rapid urban growth, the impacts of climate change, informality, inequality, and inadequate or old infrastructure will continue to test the livability of urban environments. On the other, cities are recognized sites for action, possibility, and innovation. Indeed, many cities around the globe are pursuing their own agendas to find and implement solutions that advance resilience, sustainability, and equity. City imaginaries have inspired urban practitioners and residents in infinite ways from eco-cities to just cities to mongrel cities to sponge cities.
From the cities that we live in to the cites that we aspire to create, the following collection contains case studies of future scenarios to inspire, reflect, and move us to action.
Learn more about the UREx Sustainability Research Network
This featured page is in collaboration with members from the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN), a project supported by the US National Science Foundation led by Arizona State University. The UREx SRN created a network of cities in the Americas that considered social, ecological, and technological dimensions of resilient urban futures.
Read more about the UREx SRN
Learn more about UREx’s research:
Resilient Urban Futures (open access book)